Our Black Bag
Our black bag contain our basic electronic tools used in detecting energy anomalies are essentially off-the-shelf electronic devices that can be purchased in any major city from any of the many electronic supply house. We shall describe our basic tools kit and how they are used in ghost hunting.
- ElectroMagnetic Field Meter: This emf meter measures the milligauss strength of the energy field. The emf meter should read from .1 to 99 milligauss as most energy anomalies fall within the 3 to 7 milligauss range. Readings that fall under 1.0 milligauss shoudl be ignored as they fall within the background levels. Readings that exceed 7 milligauss should be suspect as the source is probable artifical in nature, such as microwave, television, motors, electrical junction boxes, etc. If an emf meter is not available than a simple compass will function just as well. Use the compass needle to pointer to the source of the energy anomaly.
- Sound Level Meter: Radio Shack Sound Level Meter is less than $30 and functions in the range necessary to detect audio frequencies above and below the human hearing range. When this instrument is used, absolute silence must be maintained or faulty readings will result.
- Tape Recorder or Micro Cassette Recorder: Any brand will work well. Set the recorder up at night and allow it to record during the wee hours of the morning, such as between 2:00 and 3:00 in the morning. This is the ideal time for ghostly footsteps and noises to be recorded on tape.
- Film: We have found that Kodak ASA 400 color print film to work very well. We have used B&W ASA 1600 and 3200 film, but have not had the success as we have had with Kodak color print film. We found that the other brands of film apparently are not as sensitive to the higher frequency range as Kodak film. We have experiemented with Infrared B&W, but found the safety precautions difficult to follow while in the field. Infrared must be loaded and unloaded in absolute darkness plus shot with a red filter. The developing cost is very high and special labs must be used for developing the film. We have to shoot hundreds of frames to capture one ghostly image on film.
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